General information about company

Name of The CompanyHEG LIMITED
BSE Scrip Code509631
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2023
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2024
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2023
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2023
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsLakhs
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1HEG LimitedRSWM LimitedPromoter GroupAny other transactionRent PaidNil21.761512800Textual Information(1)
2HEG LimitedRSWM LimitedPromoter GroupAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by RSWM LimitedNil75.83959876400Textual Information(2)
3HEG LimitedRSWM LimitedPromoter GroupAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil32.604362600Textual Information(3)
4HEG LimitedBSL LtdEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionRent Received from Related PartyNil6.0958800Textual Information(4)
5HEG LimitedBSL LtdEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionPurchase of Fabrics/Business Promotion ExpensesNil1.3365900Textual Information(5)
6HEG LimitedShashi Commercial Co LtdPromoters GroupAny other transactionRent PaidNil16.1990400Textual Information(6)
7HEG LimitedPurvi Vanijya Niyojan LtdPromoters GroupAny other transactionRent PaidNil1.79619600Textual Information(7)
8HEG LimitedPurvi Vanijya Niyojan LtdPromoters GroupAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by Purvi Vanijya Niyojan Ltd Nil0.16967715600Textual Information(8)
9HEG LimitedGiltedged Industrial Securities LtdPromoters GroupAny other transactionRent PaidNil11.38393200Textual Information(9)
10HEG LimitedMaral Overseas LtdEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil3.975914200Textual Information(10)
11HEG LimitedMalana Power Company LimitedEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil3.283150400Textual Information(11)
12HEG LimitedBMD Pvt. Ltd.Entities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil2.7157700Textual Information(12)
13HEG LimitedBhilwara Energy LimitedAssociatesAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil1.6962500Textual Information(13)
14HEG LimitedAD Hydro Power LtdEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil2.641637600Textual Information(14)
15HEG LimitedBharat Investments Growth Ltd Promoters GroupAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil0.2982500Textual Information(15)
16HEG LimitedTACC LIMITEDWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses incurred by the CompanyNil54.9781700Textual Information(16)
17HEG LimitedHindustan Electro Graphite's Ltd Senior Executive Superannuation Fund TrustEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionContribution to Trust for Super AnnuationNil105.023365700Textual Information(17)
18HEG LimitedShri Ravi JhunjhunwalaChairman, Managing Director & CEO- PromotersRemunerationNil829.33295500Textual Information(18)
19HEG LimitedShri Manish GulatiExecutive DirectorRemunerationNil138.42101600Textual Information(19)
20HEG LimitedShri Riju JhunjhunwalaNon-Executive & Non-Independent Director-Promoters GroupAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil3.900Textual Information(20)
21HEG LimitedShri Shekhar AgarwalNon-Executive & Non-Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil3.1200Textual Information(21)
22HEG LimitedSmt. Vinita SinghaniaNon-Executive & Non-Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil1.6200Textual Information(22)
23HEG LimitedSmt. Ramni NirulaNon-Executive & Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil3.900Textual Information(23)
24HEG LimitedShri Jayant DavarNon-Executive & Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil6.2400Textual Information(24)
25HEG LimitedDr. Kamal GuptaNon-Executive & Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil12.4800Textual Information(25)
26HEG LimitedShri Davinder Kumar ChughNon-Executive & Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil4.6800Textual Information(26)
27HEG LimitedShri Satish Chand MehtaNon-Executive & Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting Fees & Incidental ExpensesNil3.1800Textual Information(27)
28HEG LimitedShri Gulshan Kumar SakhujaChief Financial OfficerRemunerationNil37.93006600Textual Information(28)
29HEG LimitedShri Gulshan Kumar SakhujaChief Financial OfficerAny other transactionHousing Loan Repayment - Principal Nil2.5000213.7499911.24997Textual Information(29)
30HEG LimitedShri Gulshan Kumar SakhujaChief Financial OfficerAny other transactionHousing Loan Repayment - Interest Nil0.2548600Textual Information(30)
31HEG LimitedShri Gulshan Kumar SakhujaChief Financial OfficerAny other transactionTwo months' Salary Loan sanctioned Nil3.963.963.96Textual Information(31)
32HEG LimitedShri Vivek ChaudharyCompany SecretaryRemunerationNil23.253537600Textual Information(32)
33HEG LimitedShri Vivek ChaudharyCompany SecretaryAny other transactionHousing Loan Repayment - Principal Nil0.700026.766666.06664Textual Information(33)
34HEG LimitedShri Vivek ChaudharyCompany SecretaryAny other transactionHousing Loan Repayment - Interest Nil0.1947700Textual Information(34)
35HEG LimitedShri Vivek ChaudharyCompany SecretaryAny other transactionSpecial Loan sanctioned Nil121211.6Textual Information(35)
36HEG LimitedShri Vivek ChaudharyCompany SecretaryAny other transactionSpecial Loan Repayment - Principal Nil0.400Textual Information(36)
37HEG LimitedSmt Rita Jhunjhunwala Promoters GroupDividend paidNil0.797300Textual Information(37)
38HEG LimitedShri Rishabh Jhunjhunwala Promoters GroupDividend paidNil0.76797500Textual Information(38)
39HEG LimitedShri Riju JhunjhunwalaNon-Executive & Non-Independent Director-Promoters GroupDividend paidNil0.576300Textual Information(39)
40HEG LimitedShri Ravi JhunjhunwalaChairman, Managing Director & CEO- PromotersDividend paidNil0.30557500Textual Information(40)
41HEG LimitedBharat Investments Growth Ltd Promoters GroupDividend paidNil1162.33802500Textual Information(41)
42HEG LimitedPurvi Vanijya Niyojan Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil794.14777500Textual Information(42)
43HEG LimitedLNJ Financial Services Ltd Promoters GroupDividend paidNil700.53727500Textual Information(43)
44HEG LimitedRaghav Commercial Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil615.46927500Textual Information(44)
45HEG LimitedJet (India) Pvt. Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil427.37957500Textual Information(45)
46HEG LimitedGiltedged Industrial Securities Limited Promoters GroupDividend paidNil377.26782500Textual Information(46)
47HEG LimitedShashi Commercial Co. Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil287.102800Textual Information(47)
48HEG LimitedM. L. Finlease Pvt. Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil147.24592500Textual Information(48)
49HEG LimitedRSWM Limited Promoters GroupDividend paidNil135.31617500Textual Information(49)
50HEG LimitedIndia Texfab Marketing Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil87.8551500Textual Information(50)
51HEG LimitedDreamon Commercial Pvt. Ltd.Promoters GroupDividend paidNil134.519300Textual Information(51)
52HEG LimitedRLJ Family Trusteeship Pvt. Ltd.Promoters GroupDividend paidNil0.212500Textual Information(52)
53HEG LimitedInvestors India Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil15.4079500Textual Information(53)
54HEG LimitedNorbury Investments Limited Promoters GroupDividend paidNil2279.27117500Textual Information(54)
55HEG LimitedMicrolight Investments Ltd. Promoters GroupDividend paidNil1982.87107500Textual Information(55)
56HEG LimitedDr. Kamal GuptaNon-Executive & Independent DirectorDividend paidNil0.20102500Textual Information(56)
57HEG LimitedShri Jayant DavarNon-Executive & Independent DirectorDividend paidNil0.001700Textual Information(57)
58HEG LimitedLNJ Bhilwara - HEG Lok Nyas (Trust)Entities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionCorporate Social ResponsibilityNil17.100Textual Information(58)
59HEG LimitedGraphite Education & Welfare SocietyEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityAny other transactionCorporate Social ResponsibilityNil50000Textual Information(59)
60HEG LimitedBhilwara Energy LimitedAssociatesInvestmentNil030711.530711.5Textual Information(60)
61HEG LimitedBhilwara Energy LimitedAssociatesAny other transactionLoan and advances givenNil00.110.11Textual Information(61)
62HEG LimitedBhilwara Infotechnology LimitedAssociatesInvestmentNil0419419Textual Information(62)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period11096.55821682

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This Remuneration includes Rs. 649.00 Lakhs as Commission.
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This Remuneration includes Rs. 50.00 lakhs as Commission.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 3.75 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.15 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.12 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 1.50 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.12 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 3.75 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.15 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 6.00 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.24 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 12.00 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.48 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 4.50 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.18 Lakh.
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l . Sitting Fees of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs and Incidental Expenses of Rs. 0.18 Lakh.
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