How to make
Precursor is carbonised in inert atmosphere after due chemical treatment. Activation is carried out under closely controlled process parameters to get optimum properties. Finally the product is adequately cooled before it is exposed to the atmosphere.
Activated Carbon Fabric is a new generation material with potential for widerange of novel applications.
Some of the applications are as follows :
Personal protection masks for different walks of life – Capability of Activated Carbon Fabric to adsorb gaseous pollutants viz. Sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons to a large extent makes it suitable for personal protection masks particularly in following areas where various gases, fumes, smoke, vapour and odours are present :
- Vehicular Pollution in cities.
- Petroleum / Petrochemicals Industries.
- Steel Industries and Foundries.
- Pharmaceutical Plants.
- Chemical Plants / Laboratories.
- Fertilizer Industries.
- Work Shops.
- Hospital Nursing Staff/Medical Students.
- Municipal Corporation Cleaning Staff etc.
- Electro Plating Industries.
- Pollution Control Equipment for industries, which release gases, fumes vapours at temperature below 60 oC. Air purification technology for buildings, hotels and industries, centralised air conditioning plants. Deodouring and decolouring in food processing and beverage industry, theatre and clubs, fermentation process, fridge deodoriser ( in SITU filer unit) removal of general food odour. At air ports (partially combusted fuel odour).
- Wound dressing and decay protection against virus and bacteria, bandage purpose, against malodorous wounds and blood purification.
- Cigarette – Incorporation in filter type for extraction of some harmful & hazardous elements of cigarette smoke or taste and flavour control.
- Air filters for room air conditioners / air purifiers and clean rooms.
- Solvent recovery at lows concentration – recovery of organic vapours to optimise process economics and controlled vapour emission.
- Personal Protective Clothing/Mask against toxic gases in chemical & biological warfare.
- Storage and transportation of BIO and natural gases.
- In catalyst support as a carrier for other catalysts and accelerating the rate of the reaction even at low temperature.
- BIOChemistry – Activated Carbon Fabric finds many uses in biochemical studies. It is employed in the preparation of biological products, it is used as medicaments, and it provides a tool for the biological studies.
- Many more applications in liquid phase viz. water treatment plants for Industrial wastewater, swimming pool and super clean drinking water etc.
Activated Carbon Fabric ( ACF ) for use in :
- Airconditioner filters.
- Airpurifying filters.
- Clean rooms.
- All others types of pollution control filters.
- Anti pollution masks : For personal protection against gaseous vapours / fumes and bad odours.
- Refrigerator deodouriser : To arrest odours in refrigerators.
- Cigarette filters : To trap harmful chemicals present in cigarette smoke.