Learning and Development
At HEG Limited, we believe that continuous employee development has immense potential to improve performance, which subsequently positively impacts our business. In the current market conditions, where industries face challenges in finding the right people due to talent crunches and skill gaps, HEG Limited has been proactive. We have focused on managing and developing our existing talent pool by designing Individual Career Progression plans, implementing various training modules, and establishing a Performance Management System that brings transparency and adds value to the system.
Learning & Development Initiatives
Developing talent and encouraging every employee to reach their full potential is the essence of our Learning & Development efforts, which include:

Training Activities
Training and Development activities form the cornerstone of personal and professional growth, nurturing skills, fostering innovation, and recognizing achievements. Prestigious awards like the Quality Circle Award, Long Term Service Award, and Excellence Award, along with transformative training programs, serve as catalysts for advancement and continuous improvement.

  • Quality Circle Award: Honors teams demonstrating excellence in problem-solving, innovation, and collaboration, driving organizational effectiveness and efficiency. It celebrates the collective effort and ingenuity of individuals working towards common goals.
  • Long Term Service Awards: Commemorate the dedication and loyalty of employees who have contributed their talents and efforts over extended periods. These awards are a testament to commitment, reliability, and the invaluable role seasoned professionals play in organizational success.
  • Excellence Awards: Recognize outstanding performance and achievements across various domains, inspiring others to reach new heights of excellence. Whether in leadership, creativity, or service, these awards spotlight exemplary individuals who set the standard for success.
  • Training programs: are vital conduits for skill development, knowledge enhancement, and career advancement. They equip individuals with the tools and expertise needed to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and excel in their roles. Through a collection of captivating images, these Learning and Development activities come to life, capturing moments of inspiration, celebration, and growth. They serve as a visual testament to the commitment of organizations and individuals towards continuous learning, innovation, and excellence.

Talent Management
Developing the identified assets of the organization through a well-structured and functioning three-tier Talent Management Policy:

  • Executive Development Programme (EDP)
  • Managerial Development Programme (MDP)
  • Leadership Development Programme (LDP)

One-to-One Sessions are conducted in light of Competency-Based Interviews and the existing competencies framework, through which Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are prepared with inputs from their respective HODs. This is followed by activities in a rigorous flow, including:

  • Internal and external training drills
  • Knowledge Sharing Sessions
  • Presentations and Group Discussions
  • Tie-ups with premier Management Institutes
  • Half-Yearly Progress Reviews with HODs

Succession Planning
All senior critical plant positions have been identified in the past, and through proper succession planning, they are being taken care of with our internal talent groomed through continuous development activities.

Total Employee Involvement Activities
Our employees on the shop floors are fully engaged in workplace activities through self and mutual developmental activities properly planned and executed by HR L&D. Quality Circles, Small Group Activities, Suggestion Schemes, and instant rewards have become integral parts of their lives through participation in internal and external Conventions/Competitions. Periodic Employee Engagement Surveys are followed by the formulation of corrective plans, and their efficacy is closely monitored through sustained feedback generation.