HR Initiatives

HEG operates in an industry where technical competence and expertise are paramount. The company maintains that Human Resources is a key driver of business growth.

The Company’s human capital focus is reinforced through its well-defined people-centric strategy. The Company’s objectives are to address organizational challenges, establish sectoral superiority, innovate effectively, and ensure career growth. As a result, the Company’s people initiatives and programs remain aligned with its business needs. The Company’s HR team focuses on four key areas: attracting, developing, engaging, and inspiring talent.

  • Attract: The best talent available in the industry.
  • Develop: Talent by entrusting roles/responsibilities and honing skills.
  • Engage: Talent by improving standards and inculcating problem-solving techniques.
  • Inspire: Talent by embracing the vision and mission of the Company.

The Company continued to implement its training calendar, formulated on need-based training and skill development exercises, which covered the majority of the team. Adhering to the comprehensive talent management program, the Company provided the necessary platform for every employee for skill development through in-house and external training drills. Career progression of employees was ensured through a transparent performance management system aimed at filling gaps, honing skills, and improving communication.

Employee engagement is deeply embedded in our organization’s DNA with a keen focus on bringing out the best in employees – from the shop floor to the top floor. The management firmly believes that an engaged employee is not only more productive but also more aligned with the organizational vision. Quality circle drives, group activities, and suggestion schemes are held regularly. In addition, the Company created cross-functional teams for implementing challenging strategies and projects. Periodic employee engagement surveys are followed by the formulation of corrective plans, and their efficacy is closely monitored through sustained feedback generation. Employees are addressed at multiple forums to keep them abreast of changing business realities and emerging organizational challenges so that they can be addressed in unison. Industrial relations remained cordial throughout the year.

Organizational Development

HEG believes that productivity enhancement comes from well-structured and focused training and development programs. The Company continually endeavors to equip its workforce with the latest tools and techniques to help them raise their level of efficiency and effectiveness. In 2003, M/S Hewitt Associates were retained by HEG for HR intervention and initiatives broadly covering Job Evaluation, Performance Measurement, Competency Assessment and Development, Organization Re-structuring, and Reward Management. The company has subsequently implemented most of the recommendations and views these initiatives as essential for fostering an environment that allows employees to fully utilize their abilities to perform better and drive the company’s performance.

Fostering a Quality-conscious Organizational Culture

Quality is not merely limited to being the cornerstone of HEG’s sustainable competitive advantage but is actively sought to be used as a facilitator of business growth. The Company constantly engages its employees in programs aimed at ingraining a culture of quality in its workforce. HEG has further extended the quality initiative to its processes via a comprehensive Statistical Process Control System (SPC) based on Six Sigma Tools & Techniques. This has enabled the Company to attain international standards in manufacturing and enhance productivity. Moreover, the Company invites global consultants from time to time to seek assistance in its efforts to continuously improve processes.

Performance Metrics and Remuneration

The Company manages a highly-motivated and capable team of employees. Besides, the nature of the business requires that in-house competence and expertise be conserved and developed. As a manifestation of that concept, HEG has outlined a performance management system with the Balanced Score Card as the core. This seeks to not only motivate employees but also attract fresh talent into the fold.

Competency Sustainment

Present-day best practices require that succession planning not be restricted to senior management but also encompass key positions across relevant job categories. HEG, as a truly global and modern organization, believes in preparing tomorrow’s leaders today. To that end, the Company has put in place an effective process to sustain a talent pool that can seamlessly handle organizational change at all times.

Industrial Relations

HEG has consistently chosen to engage its unions and labor force while initiating major changes that directly affect them. Furthermore, employees are empowered to bring to the fore issues relevant to them from time to time. The manner of engagement between the management and its workforce over the years has led to the creation of mutual understanding and trust between the two.


HEG is committed to using resources wisely and contributing towards sustainability. The Company integrates sustainable practices into its operations, ensuring that resource management, energy efficiency, and waste reduction are prioritized. HEG believes that sustainable practices are not only beneficial for the environment but also essential for long-term business success. By promoting sustainable development, the Company aims to minimize its environmental impact and create a positive legacy for future generations.